The Berkeley ISTORE Project
PLEASE NOTE: The ISTORE project is now complete and this web page will not be updated in the
Please see the ROC Project
web page for information on the follow-on project to ISTORE.
The ISTORE project is building adaptive, highly-available,
self-maintaining, self-tuning back-end servers for storage-intensive
network services, and is investigating the programming abstractions
for defining their adaptive behavior.
Read a detailed description of the project.
Graduate Students
- Merzbacher, M and Dan Patterson. Measuring End-User Availability on the Web:
Practical Experience. International Performance and Dependability Symposium,
Washington DC, June 2002. [pdf]
[ps] [doc]
- Oppenheimer, D. Why do Internet services fail, and what can be done about
it? UC Berkeley Masters Report, 2002. [pdf]
- Hettena, D. Networking in the ISTORE Cluster, UC Berkeley Masters Report, 2002.
- Patterson, D. A. A simple way to estimate the cost of downtime. Submission to
16th Systems Administration Conference (LISA '02), 2002.
- Brown, A., L. C. Chung, D. A. Patterson. Including the Human Factor in
Dependability Benchmarks. 2002 DSN
Workshop on Dependability Benchmarking, Washington, D.C., June 2002. [pdf]
- Oppenheimer, D. and D. A. Patterson. Architecture, operation, and
dependability of large-scale Internet services: three case studies.
Submission to IEEE Internet Computing special issue on Global
Deployment of Data Centers, February 2002. [pdf]
- Patterson, D. A., A. Brown, P. Broadwell, G. Candea, M. Chen, J. Cutler,
P. Enriquez, A. Fox, E. Kiciman, M. Merzbacher, D. Oppenheimer, N. Sastry,
W. Tetzlaff, J. Traupman, N. Treuhaft. Recovery-Oriented Computing (ROC):
Motivation, Definition, Techniques, and Case Studies. UC Berkeley
Computer Science Technical Report UCB//CSD-02-1175, March 15, 2002. [pdf]
- Oppenheimer, D., A. Brown, J. Beck, D. Hettena, J. Kuroda, N. Treuhaft,
D.A. Patterson, and K. Yelick. ROC-1: Hardware Support for Recovery-Oriented
Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 51, no. 2, February
2002. [pdf]
- Brown, A. and D. A. Patterson. Embracing Failure: A Case for
Recovery-Oriented Computing (ROC). 2001 High Performance
Transaction Processing Symposium, Asilomar, CA, October 2001.
- Brown, A. and D. A. Patterson. To Err is Human. Proceedings of the First
Workshop on Evaluating and Architecting System dependabilitY (EASY '01),
Göteborg, Sweden, July 2001. [pdf]
- Brown, A., G. Kar, and A. Keller. An Active Approach to Characterizing
Dynamic Dependencies for Problem Determination in a Distributed Environment.
Proceedings of the Seventh IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management (IM 2001), Seattle, WA, May 2001.
- Brown, A. Accepting Failure: Availability through Repair-Centric System Design. UC Berkeley Qualifying Examination Proposal,
Berkeley, CA, April 2001. [pdf]
- Brown, A. Towards Availability and Maintainability Benchmarks: A Case
Study of Software RAID Systems. UC Berkeley Masters Report, also
available as UC Berkeley Computer Science Division Technical Report UCB//CSD-01-1132,
Berkeley, CA, January 2001. [pdf] [ps]
- Brown, A. and D.A. Patterson. "Towards Maintainability, Availability, and Growth Benchmarks:
A Case Study of Software RAID Systems." Proceedings of the 2000 USENIX Annual Technical
Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2000.
- Brown, A., D. Oppenheimer, K. Keeton, R. Thomas, J. Kubiatowicz, and
D.A. Patterson. "ISTORE: Introspective Storage for
Data-Intensive Network Services." Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on
Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-VII), Rio Rico, Arizona, March 1999.
(An earlier version appeared as University of California, Berkeley Technical Report UCB CSD-98-1030, December 1998.)
- July 2000 IRAM retreat presentations